For Leah

Gideon and I continue to recover from our colds. Daniel went to the church building to help with tech setup this morning, stopped by Kroger to pick up a few things, and came home. We have been home all day, and don’t expect to get out much the next couple of days. All the weather reports say that we are to expect “dangerously cold temperatures”. I’m going to have to come up with some creative activities to stimulate Gideon with, because we’re all going to start feeling the effects of cabin fever very soon.

One of the things that Gideon is learning, is the limitations that come with having 2 hands and not 4 or 5. See for yourself.

Sorry for the horrible rumble and tumble in the background. It’s our dyer. It’s on its way out.

While Daniel got Gideon ready for bed, I got a call from the Doula Certification Board. My doula, Leah Norton [The Doulagrapher], put me down as a reference as part of the certification process and I was more than happy to answer all of her questions. I cannot talk about the labor and delivery process with Gideon without crying, and I had to really fight back the tears. I am reminded of the struggles that I went through, but I’m even more impacted by the support and love that I had around me as I fought and worked to keep Gideon safe. I had two people seriously advocating for me. Daniel and Leah kept me sane and stood up for me when I couldn’t stand up for myself. 

Whatever your stance is on labor augmentation and pain management, make sure you let your spouse know what an important role they have in the labor process. Especially if your goal is to go through it naturally, assure him that you need him to be strong for you when all you want to do is give up (because there is a point where you will want to give up). If you are considering hiring a doula, make sure you find one that you are completely comfortable with. Make sure she knows her stuff, and has only one agenda in mind – to respect your wishes and support any decisions you make. In my case, I needed a doula who believed in me and my body. I needed a doula who would be level headed when Daniel and I started losing focus of our goals.

Leah believes wholeheartedly in woman’s God given ability to labor and birth a baby without medicated help, and I share that belief. Medicine is for the sick, and pregnant women in labor are not sick. But she and I both also knew the reality of high risk labor, and that there is a place and time for medical intervention. When Gideon’s safety was jeopardized, and my body couldn’t handle the trauma, Leah was there to pray with Daniel and I. She encouraged us again and again, and reminded us that we were making all the right decisions. I remember she looked me in the eye and told me that I was not a failure for needing help.

Leah came to visit me in the ICU the day after Gideon was born. I was not very lucid, but I remember she came. I apologized for not being able to talk, and then fell asleep again. She is now expecting her second child, and I’m over-the-moon thrilled for her. Leah has blessed so many couples as they welcome their babies, and she has years to come of doing the same over and over again.

This one’s for you, Leah!
